Sunday, June 1, 2008

freeing up energy

Had an insight last night about moving into second tier. I used to spend a lot of energy either defending my position in any given argument, or probing to see where someone was wrong. It sounds worse than it was. I wasn't ever mean (of course, I would think so, right?), just always alert to perceiving the differences between me and whoever.

Now, however, I find myself automatically looking for the similarities; how we're the same. I notice it even while watching political pundits discuss this presidential campaign. Suddenly it's way easier to see other points of view. What used to enrage me now only slightly amuses or annoys. Yes I'm talking about the Fox network.

I don't know, maybe this is simply maturity and not second tier thinking. Whatever it is I can feel an almost visceral relief. Probing and being constantly vigilant for differences is like holding a rubberband in ready-to-fire position. It takes energy.

Shadow work has helped. That's the point of it, to free up energy. It's just that saying it is so different than actually experiencing it.

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