Saturday, May 31, 2008

Earthship disaster

Here's where I peer clearly into the not-so-distant past at the earthship disaster. E and I walked onto the scene like Bambi v. Godzilla. We were Bambi. However, there is no bad guy here, although I used to think so. No Godzilla, just a pathetically dysfunctional situation involving a retro-romantic vision of sustainable living, and a couple of libertarian yahoos. That would be us.

To begin with, E and I committed sin numero uno: we made assumptions. I know! Looking back, having recently removed my retro-romantic lenses, it's easy to see where and when things began to go awry. But at that time, I was so psyched to leap into a new living situation that seemed to provide a lot of solutions to the problems of modern life as I saw it. So ready, that when E and I took our first step inside the first earthship we visited, we basically decided right there on the spot that we would like to build one and live in it.

And we figured, why not build and live right there in that very community? The people were cool, at least the ones we'd met so far, and since it was legal to build alternative housing there (at least to build an earthship), it would save us the hassle of looking for an appropriate piece of land where the building codes allowed for alternative building. We'd done a bit of research and knew that could be a major obstacle.

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