Saturday, May 31, 2008

science + religion = not all bad

In The Marriage of Sense and Soul, KW talks about science and religion co-existing. This has something do with my newly-developed allergy to New Age thinking, which is really just that -- thinking. Void of a serious practice, you simply believe whatever you want, and if you focus on it hard enough, voila! You make it come true. New Age is the smorgasbord of religion. In fact, it's a smorgasbord of science too. Just look at What the Bleep, and its very partial very suspect scientific basis. A little of this, a little of that, whatever works. Fill your plate and stuff your face. It's all good.

Except it's not. Distinctions are important. Distinctions are necessary. It's confusing unless you know AQAL, or the Integral model. I'm trying to work this out because until very recently, I wasn't acknowledging the use of religion, or the beauty, or the power in it.

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