Friday, May 30, 2008

practicing pure perception

Lama Surya Das (whose mother often refers to as 'the Deli Lama') is discussing Dharma in a chapter called 'Seeing the Buddha in All: The Practice of Pure Perception.' This morning I got to practice seeing the Buddha in E's swollen tonsils, and in the kitty puke on the wood floor.

On my way to Greenlife for lemons and vitamin C I was doing alright, until a little white-haired old lady pulled out in front of me going 20 mph. I couldn't do it.

The question is how far can any of us extend ourselves toward including one and all in our unconditional loving hearts? Can we love and respect even those whose actions or personalities we don't happen to like?

The dialog in my head was going like this:

Me: Hel-OO! We're on the street now!
Her: You must learn to slow down, and I'm here to remind you.
Me: I don't give a rat's ass. I'm on a mission here. Step on it.
Her: Lala-lala-laa, I don't notice you in the rearview mirror tailing me.
Me: I've got two puking cats and a sick boyfriend and I'm not in the mood.

etc., etc., etc.

Sigh. Practice. Comes from the Greek word, praktikos "practical." The Dharma is practical.

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